Case Study: Manchester Center for Rehabilitation and Healing Case Study (Q4 2023)

Concierge Director: Trinity Bearden
Patient’s Name: Johnnie Musgrove
Patient’s Age: 33
Admission Date: 10/31/2023
Admission From: Vanderbilt
Discharge Date: 12/13/2023
Discharge To: Home
Length of Stay: A month and a half
Reason For Stay: Car Wreck
How Did This Patient Hear About Our Community? He is from here

Details of experience:

A terrible car accident left Johnnie Musgrove with a complex, unstable pelvic ring injury, left transverse posterior wall acetabulum fracture dislocation, and right hip obturator dislocation. He was initially taken to the operating room at Vanderbilt, where a surgeon performed a closed reduction of his bilateral hip dislocations. After the surgery was complete, the surgeon made the recommendation for the first stage of 2 planned staged surgeries to address his pelvic ring and acetabulum fractures. After working with therapy at Vanderbilt, they recommended he go to a skilled nursing facility to finish his therapy journey. During his stay at the hospital, our admissions director visited him to tell him about our facility, and he ultimately decided to come to Manchester Center for Rehabilitation and Healing.

During Johnnie’s first 48 hours (about 2 days), he was met by the activity’s director, therapy team, concierge, and members of our nursing staff. When he first got here, he says he felt misplaced and knew he was probably the youngest resident we had at the time. Even though he felt misplaced, he explained that all our staff took notice and took action to make sure he felt welcome and at home. As he was coming in, his roommate-to-be was going home, he stated, “all I could think was, that is going to be me one day.”

Johnnie completed bathing, dressing, and walking independently before being admitted to the hospital. After being evaluated by the therapist on 11/1, he required maximum assistance with sitting up the the side of the bed from a lying position and dressing the lower body. He was fully dependent on staff to support him with sitting on the side of the bed to lying flat, and bathing. Johnnie was unable to perform sliding board transfers and self-propel his wheelchair due to pain.

After working with the therapist on upper body and lower body strengthening, dynamic sitting balance activities, and educating and training Johnnie and his caregivers in energy conservation techniques, he was able to start seeing progress. After 6 weeks of hard work and being motivated, he became independent with bathing and dressing. He needed supervision with sitting up in bed from a lying position and sliding board transfers. In the future, Johnnie explained he is looking forward to more therapy when he leaves, playing golf, and getting to coach his children in ball someday.

The Manchester community would like to congratulate Johnnie on succeeding in his therapy programs.